Association for Asian Studies


SESSION 188. 2:45 P.M.–4:45 P.M.
Michigan B, Level 2
Gender-free Backlash on the Internet and Beyond: National Politics and Feminism in 21st Century Japan
Chaired by Kazuo Yamaguchi, University of Chicago
(Un)making Sense of “Gender-free” and “Backlash”
Tomomi Yamaguchi, Montana State University
Freedom from What? Definitions of “Gender” in the Gender-free Controversy
Lauren Kocher, Independent Scholar
Interrupting the “Gender-free” Backlash on the Internet: Political Implication of “Sociality of Connectedness” in Japanese Cyberspace
Chiki Ogiue, Independent Scholar
Convergence of Xenophobic Uprising and Feminism Online: Japanese Internet Users’ Responses to Mainichi Shimbun’s Denigrating Depictions of Japanese Women and Girls
Emi Koyama, Independent Scholar
Gender Equality Measures and the Politics of Implementation at the Local Level
Masami Saito, Toyama University
Discussant: Kazuo Yamaguchi, University of Chicago

ローレン・コーカーさん、小山エミさん、斉藤正美さん、山口智美さん、山口一男さんと一緒に、「ジェンダーフリー騒動」と「00年代の日本フェミニズム」について語り合う予定。なんか、東浩紀さんと宮台真司さんも翌日にパネルやるみたいですが(びっくりした)、翌日には帰国予定なので僕はたぶん遭遇はしないかと。あとで macska さんに感想聞こうっと。てか、実は macska さんと直接会うのはこれが初めて。これまで何度も仕事もおふざけもしてるのに、ふしぎ!